
This is an introductory course on the nature of the criminal justice system. The history, development, and current functioning of the system are examined. Emphasis is on the inter-relationship of various elements within this system including the police, the prosecutor, the defense, the courts, corrections, probation and parole officers.

This course is a case and textbook study of substantive criminal law, and the variations and similarities between the states and the federal system of criminal law principles, with an emphasis on New Jersey criminal law.

An introduction to the Constitutional civil liberties and rights assured to the American people. The course provides students with an understanding of the dynamics of the United States Supreme Court?s approach to the Constitution?s guarantees of personal liberties and civil rights. Students will explore such diverse topics as the preferred freedoms of speech, press and religious expression, separation of Church and State, the Constitutional right of privacy, the rights of persons accused of crime and the civil rights of historically- disadvantaged groups and persons.

Focuses on report content through interpretation and evaluation of information. Emphasis is placed on accurate terminology.

Corrections3 Credits

Various correctional settings and approaches are examined. Topics include punishment, probation, the prison community, and parole. Also studied is the role of community resources in treating the non-institutionalized offender, i.e. through halfway houses, alternative programs, and work and study release.

An introduction to the American juvenile justice system. The course provides an overview of the history of juvenile justice and a theoretical basis for interpreting the meaning and frequency of delinquent behavior and status offenses. Students will explore the various causes of delinquency, including psychological and sociological theories, the relationship between gangs, drugs and delinquency and the modes of interaction between law enforcement and juveniles. Students will also examine juvenile court procedures, due process rights of juveniles, alternative dispositions of offenders, including community intervention and residential/institutional confinement, and the future of juvenile justice.

Examines the organization and functioning of law enforcement agencies including recruitment, career development and leadership selection. The historical and contemporary relationships of various levels of police organization are examined as well as the structure of police organizations in the United States.

Focuses on the nature and responsibilities of the police officer?s role. Topics include the following: police work as a profession, image of the police, tensions, conflicts, and the cooperation between the police and the community.

Examines the techniques, methodologies, and procedures of criminal investigation. Topics include conduct at the scene of the crime, recognition, development and the preservation of evidence, and interview and interrogation techniques. Finally, the role of surveillance and use of informants are analyzed. Legal and ethical issues are also discussed.

This course explores a wide range of ethical issues and moral dilemmas confronting practitioners in the field of criminal justice. The student is exposed to the traditional and competing theories of ethics in general; and, using case studies, applies these approaches to contemporary issues and problems confronting persons engaged or practicing in law enforcement, the courts, corrections and criminal justice policy-making.

The Internship in Criminal Justice is designed to develop professional standards and practical skills. This elective course will provide studentswith the opportunity to integrate theoretical principles learned in the classroom with firsthand experience in actual Criminal Justice agency settings. Students will perform tasks and engage in meaningful learning activities in order to acquire knowledge of the workings of a significant component of the criminal justice system. Students will develop interpersonal skills, values and the attitudes associated with professional growth. Under the direction of a faculty member and the supervision of an agency Field Supervisor, students will perform agency tasks nine (9) hours per week for 15 consecutive weeks for a total of 135 hours [add]. In addition, students will attend weekly seminars at the College during the externship to discuss and share their experiences and observations with faculty and peers.

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