Criminal Justice Externship

CRJ-290 : Criminal Justice Internship

Academic Level:
Social Science
Criminal Justice
Complete ENG-102. Complete CRJ-111 or HMD-111.

The Internship in Criminal Justice is designed to develop professional standards and practical skills. This elective course will provide studentswith the opportunity to integrate theoretical principles learned in the classroom with firsthand experience in actual Criminal Justice agency settings. Students will perform tasks and engage in meaningful learning activities in order to acquire knowledge of the workings of a significant component of the criminal justice system. Students will develop interpersonal skills, values and the attitudes associated with professional growth. Under the direction of a faculty member and the supervision of an agency Field Supervisor, students will perform agency tasks nine (9) hours per week for 15 consecutive weeks for a total of 135 hours [add]. In addition, students will attend weekly seminars at the College during the externship to discuss and share their experiences and observations with faculty and peers.